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Gender Affirming Health Services

'living authentically'

 Our clinic aims to provide a safe, confidential and inclusive space for all using a holistic and compassionate approach. Our clinician, Michelle has extensive training and experience in providing counselling related to gender identity and gender dysphoria for both individuals and their families, hormone replacement therapy and surgical assessments and referrals for those who identify as trans or gender diverse.


Michelle can be contacted directly at

Our Services


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have the ability to prescribe & manage HRT (including puberty blockers) to support clients through their gender  journey and medical transition. 


Surgical Referrals

Our NPs can support clients with education and referrals related to gender affirming surgery.  We will advocate and work along side clients throughout the process.  


Gender Affirming Counselling

Our NPs are also Psychotherapists and have the experience and knowledge to support clients throughout their gender journey in an affirming and respectful way.  

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